New Resource for Parents
Mini Movers Program
Designed for children aged 3 to 5 years old. It provides an opportunity to experience a variety of sports skills in a fun and healthy manner that encourages children to move and interact with one another.
During the program, children will use simple movement and manipulative skills such as throwing, kicking and rolling, to aid in the development of hand-eye coordination, muscle and skeletal development in a fun and safe environment. Parents play a key role with the program and are required to assist their child each session. Programs are run throughout the year and are limited to a maximum of 10 participants.
For information see our events page or contact our Health Promotion Manager at or call us at 08 8927 8488.
Fun Bus Mobile (partnership with City of Darwin)
At Fun Bus, children can:
- Engage in new experiences
- Interact with other children and adults
- Encourage sharing
- Make new friends
- Strengthen healthier relationship with parents / carers
- Learn and develop social and creative skills through play.
Visit the City of Darwin website for further information.
Nutrition Guidelines
For the first 6 months of life, breast milk can supply an infant’s nutrition and fluid requirements. At around the sixth month mark, you can start your infant on solid foods that are rich in iron. During this transition, it is important to note that breast milk or formula still serves as the main source of nutrition for your infant. Keep breastfeeding or using infant formula while you introduce other foods. Breastfeeding should continue until the baby is 12 months old, or for as long as both the mother and infant want to keep going.
It is important to offer a variety of food from the Five Food Groups and gradually vary from pureed to mashed and solids. Your child should be eating a wide variety of nutritious foods enjoyed by the rest of the family by around 12 months.
Further information:
Physical Activity Guidelines
New Resource for Parents
It is important to encourage floor-based physical activity for infants from birth. Such activities may include reaching, grasping, head movements and limb movements. It is recommended that toddlers and pre-schoolers be active for at least three hours daily, spread throughout the day.
Further information:
Recommended physical activity guidelines from the Department of Health
- Health development in infants (birth to one year) physical activity, particularly supervised floor-based play in safe environments should be encouraged from birth.
- Toddlers (1 to 3 years) and pre-schoolers (3 to 5 years) should be physically active every day for at least three hours, spread throughout the day.
- Children younger than 2 years of age should not spend any time watching television or using other electronic media (DVDs, computer and other electronic games).
- Children 2 to 5 years of age, sitting and watching television and the use of other electronic media should be limited to less than one hour per day.
- Infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers (all children birth to 5 years) should not be sedentary, restrained, or kept inactive, for more than one hour at a time, except when sleeping.