Cardiac education services
Healthy Living NT education services are supported by Northern Territory Government and are free for people with heart disease and all types of diabetes, including pre-diabetes living in the Northern Territory.
To download a starter cardiac information pack along with helpful resource information, click here.
Location of services
Healthy Living NT has cardiac education services based in Darwin and Alice Springs, we also service remote communities throughout the Northern Territory through Commonwealth funding. Our professionals can also provide education services by telephone or email where a client is unable to attend an appointment in person. All services are provided by qualified cardiac nurse educators and dietitians.
Cardiac education services include group and individual education to clients and their families or carers run by qualified diabetes and cardiac nurse educators and dietitians, either in our offices or out in remote communities or by phone. Family members, significant others and carers are encouraged to attend education sessions, as this can assist with management and understanding of a client’s condition. Contact us if you would like to access our programs. If you need an interpreter, please let us know.
Group education sessions
Group education sessions are available weekly in Darwin, Alice Springs and Palmerston:
Individual Appointments
Individual appointments for our cardiac education services are available in Darwin, Palmerston and Alice Springs. Please note, that only individual appointments for gestational diabetes education services are available in Alice Springs.
Please contact us if you live outside of these areas. If we do not service your area, phone appointments are also available for remote area clients living in the Northern Territory. Need an interpreter, let us know when making your appointment.
Community Education and Public Awareness
Cardiac educators, including dietitians are available for community oriented health promotion activities that raise awareness of diabetes and heart disease in the community. Please contact Healthy Living NT at for more information.
Corporate Education Services
Our educators are also available for workplace education sessions on diabetes and heart disease prevention and management, the information provided at these sessions is general in nature and not intended to be used as individual management plans. Early bookings are essential. All requests must be made at least four weeks in advance. Charges may apply, for more information please contact Healthy Living NT at